Author Archives: cncglass
Green EVAVISION transparent EVA interlayer film for laminated safety glass
Green EVAVISION transparent EVA interlayer film for laminated safety glass
GREY TRANSPARENT EVA FILM for safety decorative laminated glass glazing
Attentions when manufacturing laminating glass with EVA Film in rainy day By Peter Lin In rainy days, the humidity in the air is high. And also, it’s easier for the surface of glasses and EVA Interlayer film to absorb the humidity. The humidity in the surface of glasses and EVA Film will do harm to …
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EVAFORCE EXTEME EVA FILM for safety glass laminating
Attentions for Making Laminated Glass with Colored EVA Film By Peter Lin Because of the color tolerance of EVA Film, when you making high quantity of colored laminated glass with colored EVA Film. 1-Carefully use different orders of colored EVA Film in one design, even you order from same EVA Film manufacturers, the color of …
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EVA PAD for safety laminated glass separation
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